Saturday, February 2, 2019

Chocolate Cupcakes from leftover Biscuits| No Oven, No Moulds, No Egg Easy Cup Cakes


1 Cup Broken Biscuits Leftover(Fine Powdered)
1/4 cup Refined Oil/butter(at room temperature)
1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence (optional)
1/2 Cup Icing Sugar
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tbsp Curd
1/2 tbsp Coco Powder
1/3 Cup Milk


1.Make a fine powder of left over biscuits and take measurement of 1 Cup.
2.Take a bowl and add curd to it.
3.Add sugar and oil to it and mix well using whisker (no lumps).
4.Add vanilla essence or any flavour of your choice (optional).
5.Take a floor stainer put it on the bowl(in which we have added rest ingredients) add biscuit leftover powder to it, baking soda & baking powder.
6.Seive together.
7.Mix well all the ingredients together using cut and fold method.
8.Gradually add milk to adjust the consistency.
9.Grease the small bowls/paper cups with oil.
10.Pour the batter into greased bowls.
11.Place a wire stand in pressure cooker(without whistle)/kadhai/cake maker, pre heat for 10 minutes om high flame.
12.Place the cups inside pressure cooker/kadhai/cake maker and cover it with lid and reduce the flame to low.
13.Cook for 30-35 minutes on low flame and check by inserting toothpick.
14.When its done, cool it completely then gentely take out cakes on a plate.
15.Decorate it with whipped cream or icing sugar.
16.Delicious cup cakes are ready to serve.

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